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Allah is One

Allah is One
Assalamu Alaikum!

Dear readers! 

One question may arise in our mind, who created this Universe? 

Assuming that somebody or some other else created this universe, which was not created itself. Someone created it. 

The Universe refers to the Earth, all the planetary satellites and numerous stars including the Sun. There are billions of other stars like the Sun in the universe. Scientists say that there are numerous stars many times bigger than the Sun. So, who is the creator? 

In a previous write-up, I tried to introduce the identity of this creator. Not by reasoning on my own part. In that video, we have seen that there is a creator, based on the world's various religious books, philosophers' views, and scientific evidence. 

In this article, we will come to a conclusion on this matter. 

We will know how many creator(s) or God or Lord we have. He, who created us, also created this world. Not only this. He also created this universe, including the Moon and the Sun. Different religions have different doctrines regarding the number of God. 

However, most of the Semitic religions claim to have a single creator. Even, in some of the Semitic religions, although it is believed in one Creator, some of the creations of the Creator have been considered equal to the Creator. 

Semitic religions came from the descendants of Shyam or Shem, the son of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him). These religions are called Semitic religions because they are derived from 'Semitic' lineage. These religions are also called prophetic religions. For example, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 
The founder of Judaism is Hazrat Musa Alayhissalam, the founder of Christianity is Hazrat Isa Alaihissalam and the founder of Islam is Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihissalam. 

All these three religions are considered to be 'Islam' according to the criteria of the original versions of the scriptures of these religions, i.e. according to the original texts sent down by Allah or God. 
However, the Muslim's belief is - the earlier revealed Jewish scriptures, the Torah (Torah) and the Christian Bible (Injil), are modified versions. And the followers of these modified versions are regarded by Muslims as disbelievers in the Oneness of God. 

Religions outside of the Semitic religions are considered apostate or non-Semitic religions. For example, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc. These religions are based on social justice and ethics. The religious texts of all these religions were written by a thinker or a social leadership class or a saint who constantly meditated on the Creator. That is, these religions are created by a community, person, or group of individuals and believe in a supremely powerful entity, person, or authority in nature. That is, followers of nonSemitic religions consider the source of energy worthy of worship. 

Only the books of the Semitic religions are considered to be the scriptures sent by the Creator or God, although these matters are disputed among the various religions. According to the scriptures of the Semitic religions, the Torah, the Bible, and the Qoran, the Creator is one, although according to some modern versions of the Torah and the Bible, the Creator is one, but He does not perform all actions alone. Therefore, he takes the help of one or some of the great human beings created by him. For example, Christians believe that Jesus, the prophet Jesus, received the same power from God to help people. 

Again, some Christians consider Jesus, one of the Prophets, as the son of God. Some versions of the Bible that are available today contain statements that refer to the Prophet Jesus as the Son of God. While most of the scriptures of non-Semitic religions accept one Creator, some Hindu scriptures accept multiple Creators, although some Hindu scriptures say that there is only one Creator. 

On the other hand, the followers of some religions outside the Semitic religion worship the created objects such as the moon, sun, mountains, fire, water, etc. as their lords. Because, according to them, these objects serve human society. In Hinduism, Gods are believed to inhabit innocent human minds. For this reason, Hindus also worship innocent people, including children. 

Some of the non-Semitic religions or sects of religion that profess monotheism are Babism, Baha'i, Cheondoism, Christianity, Deism, Druzism, Ekankar, Sikhism, Shiv-Hinduism, Vaishnava Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Mandaism, Rastafari, Secho- No-Yen, Tengrikeo, Yazidi and Atenism. 

In the discussion so far, it has been understood that not all religions have the same idea about the Oneness of Allah or the Creator. According to the Semitic religions, all the orders sent by the Creator to mankind through his representatives on earth, i.e. the Prophets, have been preserved in different ways by the Prophets or their followers. 

The precepts sent down by the Creator have been preserved through the generations of the followers by means of oral or writing on stones, on blocks of stones, on leaves of trees, or in any other medium. The combined form of those commandments or laws is the scriptures we know as the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran. 

Among the Prophets and Messengers, those who received such books, we consider them as 'Messengers or Rasuls'. Among such messengers were Prophet Dawud alaihis salam or David, Musa alaihis salam or Messiah, Isa alaihis salam or Jesus Christ, and lastly Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the Book from Allah. All these messengers received these books through Angel Jibril (pbuh). 

According to the followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the versions of the Torah and the Bible that exist today are modified versions of the original texts. Despite this, there are many verses or sentences in the Torah and the Bible about the Oneness of God. 

Let us know those verses related to the monotheism of God from the Torah of the Jewish scriptures and the Bible of the Christian scriptures. The Jewish scriptures are called the Torah, which is divided into five chapters. Such as Bereshit, Shemot, Va-yikra, Be-mid bar, Va-yikra, and Devarim, which, respectively, in English become: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The last of these five chapters, Deuteronomy, deals with the identity and monotheism of the Creator. 

The Torah is also called the 'Hebrew Bible'. Deuteronomy consists of three parts, chapters one through eleven, describing the history of the nation of Israel. Chapters twelve to twenty-six describe God's laws and guidance for the lives of people chosen by God. And in the last twenty-seven to thirty-fourth verses, the importance of obeying God's rules and the love of the servant for God are mentioned. 

In Deuteronomy, the last chapter of the Torah, chapter six, verse four, says "Hear O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One." That is, the unity of God is clearly declared in the Torah, the Jewish scripture. Let us now hear descriptions of God's Oneness of God in the Bible. In the first Timothy part of the Bible, written by Paul, the Apostle, in the second chapter of the fifth chapter, it is mentioned, - For there is one God, and there is a mediator between God and men, who is Jesus Christ. This verse is consistent with the philosophy of Islam. 

The founder of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) was also a mediator between God and his followers, who received God's orders through the angel Gabriel and propagated those orders among his companions. In the forty-third chapter of the Isaiah section of the Bible, it is mentioned in the eleventh paragraph, that: I, - I am the Lord; And there is no savior beside me. In the second chapter of Genesis of the James Version of the Bible, it is said: -You believe that God is one; You have done well in this, even the devils believe in it and tremble in fear of God. 

As mentioned in chapter 12, verse 29th of the Marks version of the Bible, Jesus answered his disciple's question like this, - "The most important thing is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord - our God, the Lord is one. Thus, the Bible supports the monotheism of God. There are many other verses as well. In Isaiah editions, chapter forty-five, verse five, it is stated that, - I am the Lord, and beside me, there is none, beside me, there is no God. 

Corinthians and Mark's edition of the New Testament also supports the Oneness of the Creator. But in various places in the Bible, there are also many verses mentioning that Jesus is the son of God who is equally empowered with the power of God. 

Now let us know about the Oneness of God from the Holy Qur'an. In the twenty-second verse of Surah Ambia, Allah, the Almighty says, Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. If, In these two, i.e. the heavens and the earth, there would have other gods other than Allah, both (the heavens and the earth) would have perished. So, Allah, the Holy One, the Lord of the Throne, is above what they (the polytheists) utter.
This verse implies that, if there were more than one creator, then both of the earth and heaven would have been destroyed due to conflicts in opinions between the two directors. Because it is normal to have disagreements between multiple Managers. In the first verse of Surah Ekhlach, Allah, the Almighty says, قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ , that is, 'Allah is One'. 

In this way, in verses 100, 63 and 255 of the second Surah of the Holy Quran, verses 2, 6 and 18 of the third Surah, verse 73 of the fifth Surah, verses 102 and 106 of the sixth Surah, verse 158 of the seventh Surah, of ninth Surah: verses 131 and 129, in verse 90 of the tenth Surah, in verses 14, 50, 61 and 84 of the eleventh Surah, in verse 30 of the thirteenth Surah, in verse 52 of the 14th Surah, there are indications regarding the monotheism of God. In the holy Quran, there are many verses commanding not to worship anyone except Allah or even not to share his power with anyone. The Surahs which contain verses not to associate anyone with Allah, are Sura 16:verse 2, Surah 17:verse 42, Surah 20:verse 15, Surah 20:verse 98, Surah 21:verse 25, Surah 21:verse 87, Surah 23 : verse 23, Surah 23 :32, Surah 23, verse 23, 23 : verse 32, 23 : verse 91, Surah 23 : verse 116, Surah 27 : verse 26, Surah 28 : verse 88, Surah 38 : verse 5 , Surah 38 : verse 65, Surah 39 : verse 6, Surah 40 : verse 62, Surah 43 : verse 84, Surah 44 : verse 8, Surah 47 : verse 19, Surah 59 : verse 22, Surah 59 : verse 23, urah 64: verse 13, Surah 73: verse 9 and Surah 112: verse 1. 

Basically, today's Muslims believe that the religion of all the prophets, starting from the original father Hazrat Adam alaihis salam to Muhammad (pbuh), was Islam. The word Islam means to surrender. That is, the servant will surrender all his life and wealths to the Creator. And all his time and labor shall be spent for the satisfaction of the Creator. Another meaning of Islam is 'Peace'. 

It is also believed in Islam that all the Prophets who have come to the world so far, the Ummah of all the Prophets, are Muslims. But, those who changed the original scriptures and follow their own edited or written scriptures, Muslims do not consider 'Muslims'. 

So from the discussion so far, we have come to know that, the Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an mention the monotheism of Allah? Many non-Semitic religions, such as Brahma, Arya, and even Zoroastrianism or Persianism, accept the monotheism of God. 

'Upanishads' one to three of the Hindu Bhagavad Gita and various Upanishads of the Vedas also refer to the Oneness of the Creator. Upanishad 6, chapter 2 and verse 1 of the Vedas, the scriptures of the Hindus, states, - He is one, without the second. Even monotheism is accepted in Sikhism. 

The main message of what has been discussed so far is that - there is only One Creator. However, some religions accept the distribution of the power of the creator among the creatures, which the followers of Islam do not believe. 

Apart from Islam, many other religions have instructed people not to compare any creature with the Creator. For example, the Revelation section of the King James Version of the Bible states in chapter one, verse 8, - I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, that is, - that was before, that is to come, and that will be in future, I am, the Almighty. Here in Christianity ``Alpha and Omega'' refers to both the first and last letters of the Greek alphabets. Alpha and Omega are two words used in the Bible to describe God's omnipresence. 

In the Christian edition of the Bible, chapter forty-two, verse 8 states: - I am the Lord; That's my name; And my glory, I will not give to another, nor my praise to graven images. In the Christian volume, chapter forty-three, verse eleven, the Lord says, - Its me, I am the Lord, besides me there is no savior. Dear audience, from the discussion so far, we have come to know, - In most of the scriptures, there is a document of Oneness of God. 

Allah Almighty says in verse twenty-two of Surah Ambia of the Qur'an, as previously mentioned above, - "If there had been a deity other than Allah in these two, i.e. the heavens and the earth, both would have been destroyed. So, Allah, the Holy One, the Lord of the Throne, is above what they (the polytheists) utter." 

If we interpret this verse like this, - If a car has two drivers, an airplane has two chief pilots, a city has two Mayors, and a country has two prime ministers, then there will be disagreement between them. And, as a result, the destruction of the car, the plane, the city, and the country with two administrators, respectively, is inevitable. 

Finally, we can conclude that there is only One Creator. Not only that, no one can share the power of the creator with any of His creatures. I will present another article related for you at the next stage. Insha-Allah! If you find the information presented in this article correct, then refer to this article to your friends, so that, they can read this. 

May the Creator guide us on the right path. 


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

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