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Is there any God?


Is there any God?

Do you know, historically when people started to think about the Creator, God?

In the light of philosophy and theology, where is the position of the Creator?

Whether there is a creator, what does the study of philosophers say?

What do the scriptures say about the existence of God?

What does science say about the existence of a creator in this modern civilized age?

Can we prove the existence of God with science?

Why do we believe in the existence of God?

We will find the answer to such questions in today's article.

Opinion of the ancient Phylosophers

Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, on the basis of cosmological thinking, the ancient philosophers Plato and Aristotle thought about the existence of the creator.

According to them, God or Lord is the creator of non-existent matter. That is, there is nothing called the creator, the God.

However, in the eleventh century, an Italian priest named Saint Anselm explained the existence of God based on philosophy and established the existence of God.

Later philosophers promulgated their theories in favor of and against the existence of God.

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and British mathematician Bertrand Russell completely denied the existence of a creator.

Dear readers, before saying the next words, let me say one thing, the links to the sources of all the data given in this video has been given in the description box of the video. You can see in details.

Who do believe in God?

Now let's discuss. The existence of God is still very unimportant to some people in many countries.

They do not believe in any religion - and we call them atheists.

However, belief in God and worshiping God is well-established in the Jews, Christians and

Muslims since the time of the first Prophet Abraham, as evidenced in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran.

Dr. Stephen Unwins study about the existance of God

Fourteen years ago, in 2004, a researcher at the  Manchester University of the United Kingdom,

named Dr. Stephen Unwin conducted research.

The result of the research revealed that there was a 67 percent probability in favor of the existence of God.

The results of the study were subsequently published in the Guardian newspaper.

His research was based on Beyes theorem.

Application of Bayes theorem  

Bayes theorem is used to test whether an object exist.

There is a 67 percent chance of a creator, which means that there is no creator, it cannot be said with certainty.

His research was done purely by processing data in mathematical or statistical methods without taking theological matters into account.

However, Dr. Bayes's personal belief in the existence of God was 95 percent.

According to Cambridge University Professor Dr.Catherine Pickstock, the argument of existentialism prove the existence of a creator.

It would be a moot point to say that there is no creator (Romans chapter 1 verses 19-21) of the New Testament International Version of the Bible - When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are those who have seen enough evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God.

Torahs saying

According to Jewish historians, Jacob, one of Jeremiah's sons, said, - who wants to know if there is a God?

... Hear what God says, "You will seek me and you will find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will find you.

According to Islam, one must believe in the existence of God without seeing him.

In Islam, belief in the existence of God is called Faith or Iman.

Islam does not consider it necessary to base belief in Allah or God on the evidence-based efforts of science.

What do science say 

Yet we can be certain of the existence of a Creator from the Universe's creation.

For example, astronomers say that the Sun is a star around which the planets are constantly orbiting.

If any of these planetary satellites are separated from one another, then these planetary satellites will

collide with each other and the entire solar system will be destroyed.

Earth's creation period is four and a half billion years, which is rotating in its orbit.

This rule is still going on till today. Then imagine that

someone is supervising the moving of the planets and satellites in their respective orbits.

And the one who is doing this supervision is God or Allah.

Scientists say that billions of such stars exist in space like the sun-centered solar system.

Besides the solar system, let us think of plant anatomy, and how water moves from one place to another in a tree.

Plants need water to sustain their bodies.

As we know, water flows downwards due to Earth's gravity.

But against this force of gravity, the water lifted by the roots of the plant also

flows from the bottom of the plant body upwards and supplies water to all parts of the body.

This has been made possible by the Creator through a technique created by the Creator. That is the unique surface tension of water.

Think about how many such strategies exist in plants and animals! You will be surprised if you think.

If you study all these things, your head will bow to the Creator.

Have you ever wondered, who formulated all these strategies? This is God who did it.

What did the religious books tag?

The Torah, the Jewish scripture, the Bible, the Christian scripture, and the Koran, the Muslim scripture, contain many statements about the existence of Allah/God/Ishwar.

The first of the ten commandments in the Jewish scripture Torah is - I am the Lord, your God.

That is, the declaration of the existence of God exists in this verse.

In Christianity, God is believed to be an eternal, supreme being

who creates and preserves everything in the universe.

In the Hebrew Bible, the Jewish scriptures, God is referred to as el or eloih.

For Muslims, the real name of God is Allah.

Christians call Allah God or Lord.

Although Hindus accept one God, they believe that God is in everything.

Sikhism believes that God is One, He is the Creator, He is beyond fear and hatred, He is

immortal, He is without caste, He is self-sufficient, He is great and merciful.

The Zoroastrianism scriptures in the Dosti Chapter mention,

-There is nothing like God, He is original and infinite, He has no parent, wife, son,

He has no shape, form, sight cannot perceive Him, and the power of imagination is unable to master Him.

It should be noted here that followers of Zoroastrianism also

claim that this religion is a prophetic religion. This religion is also called the Parsi religion.

It is mentioned in the holy book of Islam,

Bismillah Rahmanir Rahim

قُلۡ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌ اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُ لَمۡ یَلِدۡ ۬ۙ وَ لَمۡ یُوۡلَدۡ وَ لَمۡ یَکُنۡ لَّهٗ کُفُوًا اَحَدٌ

Allah—the Sustainer ˹needed by all˺.

He gave birth to no one and He was not born.

And there is none comparable to Him. (Al Qur'an Surah 112).

In another verse of the Qur'an, Allah said, Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim

لَيْسَ كَمِثۛلِهِ شَيِْٖ وَهُوَ پسَّسِمِيعُ البَصِيرُ

That is, there is nothing that can be like Allah, He is All-Hearing and All-Seeing (Al-Qur'an, Surah Ashoora, verse 11).

Scientific proofs

Now let us mention some proofs of the existence of the creator on a scientific basis.

Well, tell me? Why are calves like cows? Why are human babies like humans?

Have you seen until today, as many people as there are in the world,

one person's appearance is similar to another's appearance? No,


Scientists say the arrangement of DNA chains in each body is different from that of others.

 So one person is not the same as another.

So who is managing this issue? He who is doing it is Allah or God.

Do you know how big each cell in my body is?

The size of a cell is only 100 micrometers.

That is, one-tenth of the diameter of one of our hairs.

And this one cell has six hundred billion pairs of nucleotides.

Nucleotides are biochemical particles within cells that preserve our unique traits from generation to generation.

Can you imagine? Who created these smallest particles to bring uniqueness to our features?

God is the one who did it.

World temperature

Let me give you a simple example. According to the American space research station, the average temperature of the Earth is minus twenty-five to plus forty-five degrees Celsius.
But the distance of the earth from the sun is one hundred fifty-nine million kilometers.
If the Earth ever moved farther from the Sun as it orbited, we would freeze to death.
Conversely, if the Earth ever got closer to the Sun as it orbited, we would burn to death. So, surely there is someone to supervise this matter? The one who is watching and managing this matter is Allah or God.
Can you answer my one question? How long do you want to live in this world? Five, ten, one hundred, two hundred years?
Can you determine that? no can't. Some die of old age.
Others die in infancy or middle age. I have no hand over death.
The one who decides about it is Allah or God.

Do you know how our behavior or characteristics are determined or controlled?

Who or what controls it?

Designing a computer

To understand this, let's first understand how computers work.

What we write on the computer, can the computer read? no can't

Computers can read only two characters, zero and one.

That is zero and one. If we write 01100001 by arranging these zeros and ones in this way, the computer will take these numbers as a code for the English letter A, which we will see as A on the computer monitor.

That is if you write English letter A, a signal of code 01100001 will go into the computer, which will appear as an English letter A on the computer screen.

In this way, scientists have created numerous such codes for the letters of Bengali, English and other languages ​​and placed them in the computer.

I gave the example of the computer process because in our body, the creator used only four biochemical particles and arranged those particles in different ways to give us our individual characteristics.

Chrosome and DNA facts 

Let me explain a little more. Within the cells of our body, chromosomes contain four types of biochemical nucleotide particles, which preserve the uniqueness of our hereditary traits.

These biochemical particles are commonly called DNA.

Through them, all our characteristics are determined and controlled from generation to generation.

Scientists denote these four DNAs by English letters A, T, G and C.

The creator arranges these nucleotide particles in different ways in our cells, like:


If we call this a chain of DNA, you

can make billions more such DNA chains by swapping places.

One such chain will preserve or express one characteristic of your body.

Due to the positional differences between these four DNAs in the human body,

differences in behavior or qualitative characteristics are observed in each of us.

The one who oversees such an arrangement of DNA is - Allah or God.

Stephen Hawkings idea abount God

Do you know what Stephen Hawking, the best physicist of this era, said? He said, there is no one called creator.

No one controls the world. The world runs on its own rules. Disabled people like me are cursed by that creator.

Understand? The expression of sensitiveness or touchiness on the creator or God from Stephen Hawking who had been suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease.


By expressing such contempt, he accepted the Creator or God in a way.

Finally, we can conclude that there is a Creator, that is, Allah, Lord or God exists.

 Is God one?

Then another question comes before us, how many creators are there?

There is much debate about the number of gods in the world's religions.

We will know this from another video. Wait for the next video.

All the data given in this article and the source links have been given in the description box of the video.

You can read in detail. If all the facts given in this video seem correct then share this channel so that others can know about the existence of the Creator, God or Allah.

May Allah grant me the ability to guide you all on the right path. amen


Source links



Bible Jeremiah 29:13-14













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