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Why do Hujurs take money?


Why do Hujurs take money?

What does Hujur mean?

The word Huzur is derived from the Arabic word Hudur (حُضُور). The literal meaning of Huzur is my Hujur. According to the Collins dictionary, the definition of Hujur is a person of high status.

However, in our country, a student studying in a madrasa addresses his teacher as Huzur. And in our society, it is customary to call those people who are educated in Arabic and administer the religious activities of the common Muslims, or who give religious advice.

Details of Hujur have been described in links below.



Controversial point about Hujur

There are various discussions and criticisms in our society as to why hujurs should take money to fulfill all these duties. One group like to cite verse 41 of Surah Baqarah of the Holy Qur'an where Allah (SWT) says,

 وَءَامِنُوا۟ بِمَآ أَنزَلْتُ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا مَعَكُمْ وَلَا تَكُونُوٓا۟ أَوَّلَ كَافِرٍۭ بِهِۦ ۖ وَلَا تَشْتَرُوا۟ بِـَٔايَٰتِى ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا وَإِيَّٰىَ فَٱتَّقُونِ

That is, and believe in the Book which We have sent down in such a way as to prove the truth of the Book which is with you, and do not be the first of all to disbelieve in that Qur'an, and do not accept - in exchange for My commandments - and fear Me fully (translated with google translate). .

Based on this verse, we say that the money that Hujur earns by serving religious works is not halal. It is not only us ordinary Muslims, but a group of hujurs themselves give this fatwa (consent).

But there are many hadiths urging us not to earn money by teaching or preaching the Qur'an, although some of us do not trust many hadiths. Because there are many fake hadiths in the on published hadiths-Books. Hujurs also agrees with it.

In this article, we will discuss the articles or comments published on the internet regarding - whether it is actually legal to accept money from students or murids, or Muslim worshipers by providing Quranic services. Links to sources of information presented in today's article are provided below; 


Varying opinions ragarding accepting money by teaching quran

In this article, I have only mentioned the opinions found on the internet without giving any answer from my own. Even though, when talking about others' ideas about something, one's own ideas are revealed unconsciously. I hope you will look at the matter kindly.

First of all, we come to the source of Hujur's income? Some time ago we learned that Huzoors perform their duties as Maktab-Madrasah teachers, Imams of mosques and Waj Mahfil speeches.

The maktab mainly taught the Koran - in exchange for which the teachers receiving a Hadiya or salary.

The prohibition of not exchanging Quranic teaching in the Quran or Hadith fully applies to the teachers of this Maktab. But have you ever thought about one thing - among the Hujurs, the Hujurs of this school are the poorest! Suppose they did not take any money by teaching the Quran according to the instructions of the Quran and Hadith. So the question is where will the hours get money to buy food, clothes, and medicines from? The question is, are the instructions of the Quran and Hadith not to take money for teaching the Quran applicable to these teachers?

But I will admit that most of the teachers of the Maktab are imams or muezzins of the local mosque. They take a salary from the mosque, why here? Dear audience, how much money do we pay to the imams and muezzins of the mosque? Does it work for them? They have children. Do you give judgment without comparing it with me? The work of teachers of Maktab and Masjid is completely our social work. It is also the responsibility of us, who live in that society, to think about the running of our family. Isn't it?

Money in exchange of Madrasa teaching

Like the imams and muezzins - madrasa teachers are also paid at the end of the month. Quran and Hadith are also taught in madrasas. According to some opinions, the earnings of these Hujurs are not halal. So let's repeat the previous question - how will their family-run? In the hadith, it is permissible to teach the wife the Qur'an in return for the dowry payment. The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) did not forbid the treatment of a snakebite patient by reciting the Qur'anic verse and taking compensation for it.

What I have discussed so far is for the teaching class among the Hujurs. Come now, the leaders who take money by speaking in waj mahfil, is it permissible? There are two types of them. One, they don't bargain for waz. Two, he has to make an agreement on how much money he will be paid.

According to me, first class money falls into Hadiya. But those who do not perform waj at all, are completely under the protection of Quranic and hadith verses. Allah will reward them in the Hereafter. But in order to do such a deed, the person must be able to support his family himself.

But it must be accepted that madrasah students tend to be from poor families, although there are exceptions in some cases.

That mean that the teachers of the madrasah need to pay the expenses to run the family, or not? there is, for this reason, some exchange in the world, their students or socially capable people, have to bear. Otherwise, without doing anything else, they teach us the rules of performing religious rituals.

Just what? Many madrasahs now have higher education facilities for establishing Islamic social order including Islamic economics, and Islamic jurisprudence. No one is forcibly admitted to these madrasas. If those who voluntarily enroll themselves bear this cost, then where is the reason for my headache?

Some of the highly educated teachers participated in the Islamic Dawa work by giving speeches. In our country, they speak in various mahfils and some take the exchange. Some hujurs do not call this exchange halal. The argument comes that these Waj Mahfils are called Qur'an Tafseer Mahfils. As a result, these mahfils fall under the fatwa, which cannot be exchanged for teaching the Koran.

But there are arguments against it. For example, since they spend their own money and spend their own time performing waj in these ceremonies, they can get some remuneration in exchange for that effort and time.

But that's right, they don't charge any money for this work like doctor lawyers. They take what the Mahfil Management Committee gives. Barter is prohibited in the hadith, if we do not accept these hadith, then there is no dispute if we give a hadiyah to the Hujurs to please Allah. Let us do so. Not salary. From today we will give hadiyah to the Hujurs.

But remember, spreading Islam also requires money. For this reason, Hujurs need money.

Money acceptance providing lecture in mahfils

Some Huzur delivers Waaz in different mahfils and they reach the place by helicopters. Lately, many people are calling this an unethical act.

Look, brothers and sisters, if one of our honorable Ministers has multiple programs on the same day, can he travel by car and attend all the programs? can't Because of this he has to resort to a fast vehicle. The same is true of those who participate in the Huzur Mahfil in a helicopter. There is no reason to call it luxury.

If we think about all these things in this way, the hujurs are the people of our society. As much time and effort as we have been educated by learning English Bengali, Huzur has become Huzur by spending more time and effort to learn Arabic. If the intellect is not good, it is not possible to read and write in a difficult language like Arabic. They became hujurs because of the love of Allah and the Messenger. And on the contrary, we Bengali English literate people are educated only by considering worldly gain.

If we think like this, then how? - We also need these hujurs to learn Dharma Karma. Just thinking about the world will not work. We have to be good in both worlds and the hereafter!

Adam Alaihis Salam and many Prophets after him could not spare time to earn their own food because they were busy teaching their ummah about religion. Their ummahs have fulfilled the responsibility of their sustenance. He considered the arrangement. Then you will see, the salaries, gifts, etc. financial benefits of the Hujurs will also come within the halal earnings.

Money relations of Peer and Murids

Very few Hujurs teach the murids as pirs. However, there is much controversy regarding Pir Muridi, although Pirs do not claim any contractual money from Murids. What the murids give to the pir, the pir sahibs take. Heaven will be found in the Asila of the Pir in the Hereafter - considered by most scholars to be at the level of Samaj Shereki.

Hujurs are people too. So they are not above mistakes or sins. For this reason, there are also hujurs who may follow dishonest methods. As, Bengali-English-educated people like us, are not hundred percent honest.

May Allah grant us the grace to respect all Muslim persons of legitimate professions, Amen!

Thank you all for reading the video. Allah is Hafiz. Assalamualaikum

Link to information presented in this article: bit.ly/3B0GEmm

Related video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ca1MiEJspo&t=94s

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